People with ADHD often have a special feel for life.
What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition which often leads to difficulties with concentration, impulsivity and hyperactivity, along with executive functioning at home and at school. A young person with ADHD can exhibit disruptive behaviours which are not in keeping with those of a similar age and development.
It is one thing to get a diagnosis but it is an entirely different thing to know what to do after that diagnosis, and it can be particularly hard for young people. Our aim is to work with young people with ADHD so that they can understand how it functions, and learn to deal with any of the negative side effects that it brings, thus building their confidence levels.
Enquire about an assessment

ADHD Assessment
Our ADHD assessment allows us to give individuals a clearer picture of their strengths and challenges. We take a psychological and developmental history. It is not a test but a method of identifying the individual’s characteristics, in order that they can be supported. They will be assessed in a number of areas and given the opportunity to detail anything that they feel they struggle with.
The assessment usually takes one hour, although can vary depending on circumstances, and takes place remotely. After the assessment, a full written report will be provided and we will provide you the opportunity to discuss it in further detail. We feel that it is vital that the individual who has been assessed understands what the report means for them.
The total cost of the 17+ assessment is £450.

Support does not end with a diagnosis. We offer aftercare support for children and young people who have received an ADHD diagnosis. This allows us to focus on the ongoing situation rather than leaving a family with a diagnostic result and nothing else. We believe that continuous care is the best way to manage disruption to everyday life. It also helps with the education process.
Our sessions consist of 1-2-1 support with a specialist who has expertise in the field, and take the form of counselling/support sessions to get to the heart of the main areas where work is needed, to ensure that the individual can prosper.
The cost per session is £60 (sessions last for 50 minutes).

The vast majority of young people who end up having an ADHD assessment do so because it has been suggested to them by a teacher, or somebody they know who is familiar with the signs of ADHD. However, many people don’t actually know what to look out for because they don’t know what the condition entails. This means that it can often be missed. People are thus left to struggle on their own.
Our checklists are a tool to help people understand whether there is a likelihood that ADHD is present, and whether they should seek further help. The checklists cannot give a definitive answer because they are not a diagnostic assessment.
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If you are at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
There are different helplines and listening services available that can provide emotional support:
- YoungMinds (24/7) Text YM to 85258
- Samaritans (24/7) Call 116 123
- Childline (24/7) Call 0800 1111
- CALM (5pm-Midnight) Call 0800 58 58 58